var, let, and const in JavaScript: What’s the Difference?

var, let, and const in JavaScript: What’s the Difference?

var, let, and const in JavaScript: What’s the Difference?

The var, let, and const keywords in JavaScript

When you're first learning JavaScript, you'll probably come across three different keywords for declaring variables: var, let, and const. Each of these keywords has its own behavior and use cases.

The var keyword

The var keyword is the oldest of the three keywords and has been around since the beginning of JavaScript. It is function-scoped, which means that variables declared with var are accessible within the entire function that they are declared in. var is also hoisted, which means that the variable is declared at the top of its scope even if it is declared later in the code. This can lead to unexpected behavior and bugs.

The let keyword

The let keyword was introduced in ES6 as a replacement for var. It is block-scoped, which means that variables declared with let are only accessible within the block that they are declared in. let is not hoisted, so the variable is not declared at the top of its scope. This makes it easier to reason about code and prevents variable hoisting issues.

The const keyword

The const keyword is similar to let in that it is also block-scoped. However, variables declared with const cannot be reassigned. This makes const useful for declaring values that should not change throughout the course of the program. It also helps prevent accidental variable reassignment, which can lead to bugs and lots of headaches.

When to use var, let, and const?

In general, it is best to use let or const instead of var when declaring variables in JavaScript. let should be used for variables that may be reassigned, while const should be used for variables that should not be reassigned.


var, let, and const are all used for declaring variables in JavaScript, but they have different scoping, hoisting, and reassignment behaviors. In general, it is recommended to use let or const instead of var when declaring variables, depending on whether they need to be reassigned or not. It is also important to consider the scoping and hoisting behavior of let and const, as well as their use in loops and the global scope, when writing JavaScript code.
